PLEASE use Road Runner 1.0

Road Runner 0.5 has now been replaced by Road Runner 1.0, released in late 2023. Road Runner 1.0 has some major new features like a new command-based system known as Actions, faster and more automated tuning, improved path following, as well as many fixed bugs.

If you have used the guide at, you are using Road Runner 0.5. If you want to switch (which you should), the official documentation for Road Runner 1.0 can be found at

The major differences include:

1. A HUGE overhaul to the tuning process, making it much faster to perform and much less buggy. Tuning 1.0 can take less than an hour and does not require manually tuning Feedforward.

2. Much fewer bugs and reduced jank. For example, trajectory building no longer takes a ridiculous amount of time and trajectory continuity exceptions can no longer occur.

3. An entire command-based system known as Actions to replace markers.

You can find more information about the differences on our migration page.